BWCAW Reading List

There are many books about canoe country at your local library. Here are some we find useful and entertaining.

Camping How-To

  • Canoe Country Camping by Michael Furtman
    This is the only how-to book we would endorse for Boundary Waters camping.


  • The Boundary Waters Wilderness Ecosystem by Miron Heinselman
    A fascinating work on the natural history of the area, primarily focused on fire-based ecology. Highly recommended.
  • Our Historic Boundary Waters by Duane R. Lund
    A good history of the area from the first white explorers to present.
  • Saving Quetico-Superior: A Land Set Apart by R. Newell Searle
    An exhaustive study of the political and legal history of the border country.
  • The Voyageur’s Highway by Grace Lee Nute
    Originally printed in 1941. A good history of the different people who inhabited and used the area through the early part of this century.
  • Up Country by William Joseph Seno
    Actual journal entries and writings from some of the early explorers of the north country.

Plants and Animals

  • The Sierra Club Naturalist’s Guide to the North Woods by Daniel and Sullivan
    A good all-around guide to natural history, plants, animals, and geology. Our favorite book on the area.
  • Canoe Country Wildlife by Mark Stensaas
    Everything you ever wanted to know about the reproductive cycle of the leech, and much more! Black-and-white illustrations.
  • Canoe Country Flora by Mark Stensaas
    Great information about the plants of canoe country. Illustrations are B&W, so it is not good as a field guide.
  • Plants of the Quetico and Ontario Shield by Shan Walshe
    Currently out of print. The best field guide for plants in the area.
  • Tom Brown’s Guide to Tracking and Nature Observation by Tom Brown
    A great book about learning to “be” in the woods and learn from them.
  • Wildflowers of the Boundary Waters: Hiking through the Seasons by Betty Vos Hemstad
    Great photos of bud, flower and seed stages of over 100 flowers found in the Boundary Waters.

Peterson field guides

  • A Field Guide to Wildflowers
    Good for identification but not much information.
  • A Field Guide to Birds, Eastern edition
    A basic bird identifier.
  • A Field Guide to Animal Tracks
    Sometimes the best way to identify your neighbors in the woods. Also identifies scat and droppings of woodland animals.

Nature Writing and Photography

  • The Singing Wilderness (and other titles) by Sigurd Olson
    The best works I have found.
  • Canoe Country by F.L. Jaques
    The story of a trip done the old way. Stunning illustrations.
  • Woman of the Boundary Waters by Justine Kerfoot
    The life story of an area pioneer.
  • Challenge of the Wilderness by Calvin Rostrum
    In the same style as Olson but more down-to-earth.
  • The Wild Neighborhood by John Henricksson
    Short stories about our neighborhood’s “wild” inhabitants.
  • Chased by the Light by Jim Brandenburg
    Awe-inspiring photography of the area.
  • Gunflint Territory by Jay Steinke
    Excellent photos of the Gunflint Trail area. Many are here on our Web site.
  • Wildflowers of the Boundary Waters: Hiking through the Seasons by Betty Vos Hemstad
    Great photos of bud, flower and seed stages of over 100 flowers found in the Boundary Waters.
"Thanks folks, had the perfect weekend trip I was hoping for."